Attic Cleaning & Restoration from Problem Wildlife
Does your attic need restoration after a wildlife infestation? Get in touch with Varment Guard today!
Wildlife Cleaning & Restoration Services
At Varment Guard, we don’t just remove problem wildlife from your property, we take care of the mess they leave behind. The cleaning and restoration services we offer include:
- Contaminated Attic Insulation Removal
- Insulation Remediation
- Insulation Installation (not currently available in Minnesota)
- Contaminated Animal Waste (Hauling and Disposal)
What Problems Do Wildlife Infestations Cause in Attics?
Varment Guard removes animal-pest droppings, animal-pest waste, and all contaminated attic insulation. Insulation is often contaminated from bats, bat guano, raccoons, raccoon droppings, raccoon feces, birds, bird droppings, mice, and mouse droppings.
We also provide attic cleaning and deodorizing from dead animals in attics, raccoon damage to insulation in attics, as well as insulation installation.

The Process: Our Attic Cleaning Procedure in 4 Simple Steps
- We start each clean-up by setting containment barriers
- Our remediation technicians—who always wear full personal protective equipment (PPE)—remove all contaminated contents such as insulation, feces, and more
- The technicians will seal all contaminated areas with an antimicrobial
- Finally, we’ll re-insulate and achieve your desired r-value
What are the Health Risks of a Dirty or Damaged Attic?
Of course, physical damage to the insulation in your attic is a problem—however, it’s only one of the many issues that come with a wildlife infestation. Wildlife waste carries a variety of diseases including histoplasmosis, raccoon roundworm, and much more.

What is Histoplasmosis?
Histoplasmosis is a disease caused when airborne spores of the fungus “Histoplasma capsulatum” are inhaled into the lungs. This fungus is found in contaminated attic insulation where bat droppings accumulate.
Histoplasmosis is often so mild that it doesn’t produce apparent symptoms. Any symptoms that might occur can be similar to those from a common cold.
However, histoplasmosis, even mild cases, can later cause a serious eye disease called ocular histoplasmosis syndrome (OHS). It is important to get your attic cleaned of bat droppings as soon as possible!
What is Raccoon Roundworm?
Raccoon roundworm is the common large roundworm that is found in the small intestinal tract of raccoons. Transmission of raccoon roundworm can occur directly or via an intermediate host.
Raccoons, especially young ones, become infected directly by accidental ingestion of roundworm eggs. This may occur via the mother’s egg-contaminated body or from the local environment of the den or den site.
Infected raccoons will show a change in behavior. For example, they may exhibit a head tilt and an inability to walk or climb properly. As the illness progresses, the animal may lose its fear of humans, roll on the ground, fall over, lay on its side, paddle its feet, become totally recumbent, comatose, and eventually die.
In humans, infection signs consist of skin irritations, eye and brain tissue damage, nausea, lethargy, in-coordination, and possibly even loss of eyesight. In order to avoid these issues, it is necessary to get rid of raccoons and the damage they cause right away!

Get Attic Cleaning & Restoration Services from Varment Guard!
Getting problem wildlife away from your property is just half the battle. Cleaning and restoring your attic once the animals are gone is the other.
At Varment Guard, we take care of every step of the process. From animal removal to restoring your attic to its original state, we’ve got you covered. Get in touch today to get started with our wildlife attic cleaning and restoration services!