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How to Get Rid of Shrews

Shrew In Lawn

Shrews are small rodents with pointed snouts and grey colored fur. They are much smaller than moles and are often seen running above ground. Shrews are very quick and tend to follow edges when they run. Shrews holes are small, about the size of a cigar and unlike moles their holes are left open. Shrews are most active in mulch beds around homes while they hunt for insects. Contact Varment Guard for shrew removal and shrew control services!

Common Name: Northern short-tailed shrew

Scientific Name: Blarina brevicauda

To learn more about wildlife removal, take a look at our Wildlife Removal & Trapping page.


Live Trapping

Shrews are best controlled by live trapping and removal. Sherman-type live-catch box traps (10″ x 3″ x 3″ or similar) capture shrews well and are used by Varment Guard technicians. Trap placement is key to successfully catching shrews. Our experts know how to identify the best trap placement, usually within their runs or along edges commonly used for travel. These areas will yield the highest catch rates. Baiting with peanut butter, sunflower seeds, or commercial insect baits can help.


To eliminate shrews that have found their way into your basement, crawlspace, or walls we recommend exclusion after trapping. Sealing gaps, cracks, and holes in the foundation will help prevent shrews for entering. Screening all foundation vent is a must for longterm effectiveness.


Shrews commonly find their way into homes though cracks, gaps, and holes in foundations. Once inside an accumulation of feces and odor can occur. Shrews will tunnel through insulation in crawl spaces leaving feces and urine behind. Removal of damaged insulation, vapor barrier and a thorough disinfecting and deodorizing is commonly needed. Shews will also cause damage to mulch beds as this a preferred area for tunneling. If grasped by children, pets or careless adults shrews will bite. Following sucessful Shrew removal, exclusion is done to prevent future re-infestation.


  • Adult body length (without tail): 3 to 4 inches
  • Adult body weight: 1/2 to 1 ounce
  • Gestation period: about 21 days
  • Litters per year: 1 to 3
  • Litter size: 2 to 10 (usually 3 to 6)
  • Breeding season: February through September
  • Birthing season: March through October
  • Age at which young are weaned: 3 to 4 weeks
  • Activity period: Night
  • Range: 1/5 to 1/2 acre
  • Primary foods: Insects, slugs, earthworms, small animals, seeds, roots

We can rid you of shrews safely and efficiently!

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