Health and Sanitation Risks
Birds like pigeons carry and may transmit diseases such as pigeon ornithosis, encephalitis, Newcastle disease, and more. Ticks, fleas, and mites frequently latch onto common small birds such as pigeons and sparrows. These hitchhikers may become a health hazard to you when birds bring them to your property. People commonly transmit diseases, ticks, or both when handling bird bi-products such as nest materials, feathers, or waste. Bird waste carries several disease-causing pathogens that may infect surfaces or water around your property. It could also make railings, steps, or fire escapes slippery. Bird waste can be particularly hazardous for pets that spend time outside. Dogs might transmit diseases from rolling, playing in, or eating bird waste or other bi-products. If birds die on your property, their remains may attract pests and disease. Ick.
Property Damage
As if the health hazards weren’t bad enough, bird waste tends to be toxic. Enough of the gunk can damage wooden varnish or finish, strip away paint, and even compromise the structural integrity of your roof or deck. Bird debris like nesting materials can also place undue strain on gutters, downspouts, and vents. In some circumstances, particularly bold birds may even chew or pick away at housing material to create nests and build a shelter. Along with physical property damage, birds can just make a mess. Stains left behind by sticky bird poop can drive down property value. If bird infestations damage your roof or siding, you may have to make expensive repairs or replace something sooner than you’d like.