Hearing strange noises or scratching sounds in your attic can be quite concerning. Depending on the type of noise and the time of day it occurs, there are a variety of wildlife pests you could be dealing with. If you find yourself thinking, what’s living in my attic? Or you’re wondering, is there a raccoon in my attic? It's essential to identify which pest is causing the racket before the situation gets any worse.
Wildlife inside your home can pose significant health risks and cause considerable damage. Instead of attempting to handle infestations yourself, always utilize professional services for the removal of animals in the attic. But first, let’s find out what has set up shop in your home:

I Think There are Raccoons in My Attic, Help!

If you suspect you have raccoons in your attic, we understand the stress. Here’s how to tell if raccoons are the culprit:
Raccoons are notorious nocturnal foragers. They leave their den at dusk and return early in the morning. If you’re hearing noises in your attic early in the morning or hear scratching in your ceiling, it’s possible you have a raccoon living in your attic.
Raccoons are capable of causing quite a ruckus, from light thumping to full-on destructive noises. They are known to rip basketball-sized entry holes in roofs, typically gaining entry through a torn vent or soffit along your roofline.
Early spring fighting sounds might signify breeding raccoons in your attic. Conversely, chattering sounds during the day could indicate the presence of baby raccoons nesting. Recognizing these raccoon noises in the attic can help you detect their presence and take appropriate action promptly.
Squirrels Inside Walls and the Attic

Most squirrels, besides the flying squirrel, are known to be most active during the day time. They are especially active in the early morning, and may be heard returning in the evening for the night.. Sometimes you may hear squirrels coming in and out during the day to drop off food to store in your attic. dropping off food to store in your attic. You may hear nuts rolling on the floor or being stuffed down into your walls. Squirrels sleep at night and tend to be quiet all night long.Squirrel habits and sounds vary depending on the species:
Red Squirrels
Red squirrels can be identified by their deep reddish color, territorial behavior, and smaller body size.. They can cause large amounts of damage in a short time and even get into your home’s wiring. Red squirrels produce a lot of gnawing, scratching and screeching sounds during the day. They are known to access ground level or even underground entry points to get into your home.
Flying Squirrels
If you hear soft thumping sounds at night, it may be flying squirrels. Flying squirrels are the only nocturnal species of squirrel. They are known to jump from rafter to rafter and are commonly mistaken for mice in the attic. These squirrels commonly use existing cracks or gaps in your roof and ridge vents for entry points.
Gray Squirrels
Gray squirrels are noisy animals capable of loud squeaking, scratching and chewing noises. These squirrels are very active chewers, and are considered one of the biggest chewers amongst squirrel species. While they might use existing holes and cracks in your roof, soffit, and fascia to enter, they are also able to chew their way into entry points. Gray squirrels are known to chew the edges of wood trim, gable vent louvers, and even vinyl siding.
Bat Noises in Your Attic

Bats are the biggest health risk among attic dwellers. Bat guano is toxic to human beings. If you have had bats in your attic for any length of time, make sure a professional animal clean up service removes all the accumulated waste.
Bat noises include wing flutters, scratching, squeaking and clicking. Bats typically leave their roost at dusk to hunt and return at dawn. They can enter through tiny, dime-sized holes that may be difficult to notice by the untrained eye.
Bird Noises in Your Attic

Chirping sounds in your attic or ceilings are a sure sign that birds have gotten into your home. Young birds may chirp all day long and be an unwelcome nuisance. Fluttering and banging sounds are also common. If you find dead birds in your attic, it is due to the fact that they will commonly get stuck in voids and cannot get out. They will also sometimes fly into walls and supports when confined to small spaces.
Birds can also find their way into vents and will nest above bathroom ceiling fans. A wildlife removal expert can humanely remove birds from these difficult areas.
Rodent Infestation: Rat and Mouse Noises in Your Attic

Mice are nocturnal and become loud when everything else is quiet. As a result, they are sometimes mistaken for larger animals.
Mice and rats make chewing, scratching and squeaking sounds in ceilings and walls. In attics they often make their nests along access panels and hatches where the temperature is warmer.
If you suspect a rodent infestation, get in touch with our pest control partner. Plunkett’s can remove and prevent rodent infestations in your home.
How to Get Rid of Critters in the Walls and Attic
Wild animals can be dangerous and unpredictable. Your best option to safely remove wildlife from your home is to hire a professional. Most wildlife specialists, like Varment Guard offer a full range of services like:
- Clean up.
- Roof or siding repair.
- Insulation removal and replacement.
- Work with home insurance companies.
- Waste removal.
- Dead animal removal.
- Prevention.
Safe and Effective Attic Wildlife Removal
Don’t let those unsettling scratching noises in the attic go on another day. Call or contact Varment Guard for a licensed technician who knows how to safely remove animals from your home and how to fortify it against future intrusion. Get in touch with Varment Guard for the removal of animals in your attic!