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A bat flies across an open attic

Getting rid of nuisance wildlife in your attic can be stressful, but the aftermath is equally concerning. Animals like squirrels, raccoons, and bats can leave behind a significant mess that, if not properly addressed, can lead to long-term issues in your home.

The pros at Varment Guard specialize in both wildlife removal and aftercare. To help you restore your attic space, we’ve created this guide on how to clean up after an infestation. If you encounter challenges or have questions along the way, please reach out to our team.

Squirrel On Drain Spout

5 Common Types of Attic Pests (and Their Dangers)

When wildlife invades your attic, they bring along more than just noise and discomfort. These pests can cause extensive damage to your property and pose health risks to your family. When wildlife invades your attic, they bring along more than just noise and discomfort. These pests can cause extensive damage to your property and pose health risks to your family.

1. Squirrels

Squirrels are among the most common attic invaders, particularly in colder months. They are known to chew through roofing, fascia, and soffits to gain access to your attic. Once inside, squirrels tend to gnaw on almost anything—including insulation, wood beams, and electrical wiring. Their nesting habits can lead to further contamination with droppings, urine, and nesting materials. If left unchecked, a squirrel infestation can quickly multiply.

2. Raccoons

Larger and stronger than most attic pests, raccoons are known for their destructive behavior. They can rip open shingles, tear apart vents, and claw their way through roofing materials to enter your attic. Once inside, they create significant damage by pulling apart insulation to build their nests. If left unchecked, they’ll leave behind large amounts of droppings, which can contain harmful bacteria and parasites. Raccoon feces, in particular, may carry roundworm eggs, which can be harmful to humans if ingested or inhaled.

3. Bats

Bats are drawn to warm, dark, and undisturbed environments. While bats don’t cause the same structural damage as squirrels or raccoons, their presence in your attic can still be dangerous. The real issue with bats comes from their guano (droppings), which can accumulate over time and create severe health hazards. Bat guano can harbor fungal spores that lead to a serious respiratory disease called histoplasmosis.  Additionally, bats can carry rabies, and any contact with them should be treated with extreme caution

4. Rats and Mice

Mice and rats are small but persistent pests that can easily squeeze through tiny gaps in your attic. Once inside, they can create extensive damage by chewing on insulation, wires, and wooden structures. Rodent droppings can spread diseases such as hantavirus and salmonella, and their constant need to gnaw means they’ll leave chew marks throughout your attic.

5. Birds

Birds may seem harmless compared to other attic pests, but their presence can still cause significant problems. Birds like pigeons, starlings, and sparrows often find their way into attics to build nests. Their droppings, like those of bats, can carry diseases such as histoplasmosis.. Birds can also bring in mites and other parasites into your home.

Animal Infestation Attic

5 Goals of Post-Wildlife Attic Cleanup

After an infestation, cleaning your attic isn’t just about removing pests—it’s about protecting your home and health from long-term damage. Here’s why attic cleaning is crucial:

1. Address Health and Safety Concerns

One of the most immediate dangers following an infestation is the health risk posed by animal waste. Wildlife droppings and urine can harbor harmful pathogens. Cleaning the attic is essential to eliminate these biological hazards and restore a healthy indoor environment for your family.

2. Prevent Structural Damage

An infestation can cause hidden structural damage that worsens over time. This might include chewed wires, gnawed wooden beams, and damaged insulation. Left unaddressed, this damage can lead to costly repairs down the road, including potential roof repairs or even electrical rewiring due to fire hazards. damage can lead to costly repairs down the road, including potential roof repairs or even electrical rewiring due to fire hazards.

3. Remove Odors

Pests leave behind not just visible messes, but also strong, lingering odors. Animal urine, feces, and nesting materials can create a foul smell that permeates your attic and eventually your living spaces.

4. Restore Energy Efficiency

Insulation is often one of the first things to be damaged during a pest infestation. Animals like squirrels, raccoons, and rodents tear apart or soil insulation, leaving your attic poorly sealed. Cleaning the attic and replacing damaged insulation is a critical step in restoring your home’s energy efficiency and keeping your utility costs down.

5. Prevent Future Infestations

After an infestation, traces of wildlife such as droppings, urine stains, and pheromones can attract new pests. Even if the original invaders are gone, other animals may be drawn to the scent or remnants of nests, leading to a recurring problem.

The Attic Cleaning Process

Cleaning an attic after a wildlife infestation is a comprehensive process. You must address contamination, structural damage, and future prevention. At Varment Guard, we follow a detailed and thorough approach to ensure your attic is restored to a clean and pest-free state:

1. Initial Assessment

The first step in cleaning your attic is conducting a thorough inspection. We’ll assess the extent of the damage caused by the pests, identify any entry points they used to access the space, and determine the severity of contamination. The team will also check for chewed wiring, damaged insulation, and any structural issues that will need to be addressed.

2. Removal of Contaminants

Depending on the type of animal, you may have a variety of contaminants, including droppings, urine, nests, and food remnants. These materials not only create an unsanitary environment but can also harbor bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Even a small amount of animal droppings can lead to long-term health risks. Based on the severity of the contamination, materials such as insulation, ductwork, or wood may need to be removed if they are beyond cleaning.

3. Disinfection and Sanitization

Once the physical debris has been removed, we’ll sanitize the entire attic to eliminate bacteria, viruses, and lingering odors. This step is essential in restoring a healthy environment in your home.

4. Insulation Removal and Replacement

Varment Guard will remove compromised insulation and replace it with fresh, high-quality insulation that meets current energy efficiency standards. This process helps to restore your home’s thermal barrier and reduces your energy bills.

5. Seal Entry Points and Make Repairs

After the attic is cleaned, a technician will identify potential entry points that animals may have used to gain access. These may include holes in the roof, damaged vents, or gaps in the soffits. We’ll seal these entry points with durable materials to ensure that pests can’t re-enter.

Technicial Installing Isullation Attic

Why Consider Professional Attic Cleaning?

While you might feel tempted to handle the cleanup yourself, the steps outlined above require time, an experienced crew, and specialized equipment. There are several benefits to hiring a professional wildlife control company like Varment Guard:

  • Safety: Attic cleaning can expose you to harmful pathogens, sharp debris, or structural hazards that professionals are trained to handle.Thoroughness: Professionals can spot hidden damage and contamination that may go unnoticed during a DIY cleanup.Prevention: We don’t just clean the mess—we also provide long-term solutions to prevent future infestations.

Post-Wildlife Cleaning & Restoration Services

Cleaning up after an attic infestation is no small task. With Varment Guard’s expert attic cleaning and restoration services, you can have peace of mind knowing your attic is clean and pest-free. Visit our attic cleaning and restoration page to learn more about how we can help restore your home. To have one of our attic pest cleanup experts assess your situation, schedule with Varment Guard today. We’d be happy to give you a free estimate on the work we think you need to have a clean, safe, and pest-free attic.


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