Nobody ever expects to come home and find a raccoon rooting through their kitchen pantry, but it can happen. No matter how unlikely it seems, it’s important to know what to do when an animal gets in your home. It’s also just as important you know what NOT to do. If you ever find a wild animal inside your home, these are the things you SHOULD and SHOULD NOT do. Follow these “DO” steps exactly and you’ll be able to remove the animal quickly, safely, and humanely. Avoid making the “DO NOT” mistakes and you’ll avoid endangering yourself, your family, or your pets. If you find a wild animal in your home...
Stay calm
Whatever you do, don’t panic. If you’re freaking out, the animal will freak out. You want to keep the animal as calm as possible until you can have it removed. The best way to do that is to keep calm yourself. Move slowly, speak quietly, and take deep, slow breaths.Call for help right away
This is the most important step. If there’s an animal in your home, you need professional assistance right away. Call Varment Guard as soon as you notice the animal. Let us know it’s an emergency.Keep your distance
Give the animal space to move around. Ideally, you should stay out of its line of sight at all times. Try not to get in the animal’s way. You can always repair or replace home damage, but you can’t undo injuries.
Keep an eye on the animal
While you should give the animal space, don’t give it too much space. Make sure you know exactly where the animal is at all times. Never let it out of your sight. Don’t stop the animal from hiding, but make sure you know where it’s hiding.Take a picture
Use your phone to take a couple pictures of the animal when you have a chance. Make sure your flash is off and your phone is on silent to avoid scaring it. If you lose sight of the animal, you can show the pictures to animal control when we arrive. You should also take pictures of any damage the animal inflicts on your home. Just don’t get so focused on taking pictures that you get too close to the animal!Separate your pets
Keeping your pet away from the wild animal in your home is very important for everyone involved. Pets are often naturally defensive and react to an unwelcome animal’s presence aggressively. Take whatever steps you can to separate your pet from the animal safely. Do NOT attempt to restrain or move the wild animal; focus on isolating your pet instead. Ideally, you should try to keep your pets from seeing the animal at all....Do NOT:
Attempt to shoo the animal
Do not try to force the animal to move or go away. Approaching the animal may make it defensive and therefore dangerous. Instead, keep your distance and let the animal go wherever it’s going. Your #1 objective is to keep the animal calm until animal control can take it away.Approach it
If possible, do your best not to approach the wild animal at all. If you absolutely need to move closer to it for some reason, do so very slowly. Do not stay close to the animal for any longer than is absolutely necessary. The more space you can give it, the better. Be especially careful about approaching animals while they’re not looking at you. Animals are at their most dangerous when they’re startled. Speaking of which…